We are all in sales of some kind- and this one hack will make you unstoppable…
We are ALL in some form of sales. This one mindset hack will make you unstoppable.
We are ALL in some form of sales. This one mindset hack will make you unstoppable.
Typically a good talk, book, movie, or anything that evokes a response in us follows the same journey.
It’s hard for me even to write those words. And to be honest, this piece of my life wasn’t included in my book as it entered final editing.
If your business isn’t working, it’s your fault. If your business isn’t serving you, it’s your fault. If you don’t wake up every day excited to go to “work,” it’s your fault.
Serving the most people possible, no matter your industry, starts with serving yourself. You can’t fill another cup if yours is empty, right?
Your WHY will influence decisions well beyond the startup phases of your business.
You know how once you hear something, you can’t unhear it? Or once you see something, you can’t unsee it?
At 24, I had made my first $1,000,000. At 29, I was back at $0
So here I am, Saturday morning, sun shining, looking out at the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia… writing the first
For my entire life, I’ve been an entrepreneur in the trenches. Often running 3 or more businesses simultaneously. I’ve been