
Hey Gang!

I will not try to sell you on applying for Private Coaching. Instead, I will simply tell you who it is for…and who it’s NOT for.

This PROGRAM IS for:

This PROGRAM is NOT for:

Coaching With Rodric


Private coaching is available on a first come first served basis after application and approval

Work privately with me!

**There may not always be immediate availability as I only work with 6-10 highly qualified individuals at any given time.**

Here's How It Works

First, you’ll need to enter your REAL email address on this page. Then you’ll be taken to an application where I ask you all sorts of invasive questions about your life and business. OK – they’re not that invasive. I’m just really trying to weed out the “tire kickers” here.
Anyway, the application will come to my office and one of two things will happen. One, I’ll decide we’re not a good match and I’ll let you know politely. Or two, I’ll decide we MIGHT be a good match and someone from my office will schedule a call to see if we really are. Nobody will pressure you or hassle you. If you want in, great. If not, no problem. We’re cool either way.

I’m only looking for high-caliber people to join this program. If you want to dip your toe in first, we have HEAPS of free and almost free material to see if this is right for you. Applications are reviewed on a first come, first-served basis.

And now for more brutal honesty:

This is expensive.

Plus, you’ll be required to implement what you learn …fast …and share your results in Mastermind. (To be read “you gotta work”.)

This is not for everyone, and may not be for you - and thats ok. If that sentence alone piques your interest - let's have a conversation about it.

OK, here's the first step...

Work privately with me!

**There may not always be immediate availability as I only work with 6 highly qualified individuals at any given time.**


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