Seeing Through Another Lens
Entrepreneuers understand that their life will never outpace their personal development.
Entrepreneuers understand that their life will never outpace their personal development.
You know how once you hear something, you can’t unhear it? Or once you see something, you can’t unsee it?
Take the leap on an epic adventure, where making conscious choices and staying true to yourself create a life you care to live.
Starting with the end in mind, knowing exactly where we want to go, makes perfect logical sense. Yet we don’t do it.
When we train our minds on a problem, it will figure out the answer. We just need to rewrite our operating system in order to have that answer be one that serves us. Really serves us.
What Can The Great Pyramids Teach Us About Overcoming Lifes Challenges?
There are people out there who will look for every reason to be offended, including your newfound success or when you share some insight.
At 24, I had made my first $1,000,000. At 29, I was back at $0
So here I am, Saturday morning, sun shining, looking out at the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia… writing the first