Greetings all! Read to the end… there is a freebie in it for you… and a request for assistance.
If you’ve been hanging around for a little bit, you know that yesterday 3/15 was a big day.
For two reasons… in my world.
My late Mom’s birthday… and the day we had set for the book launch. One of those took place. Happy Birthday Mom!

A tale of two drivers…
If you follow the old blog by chance over at ChasingLess, one of the most widely read articles ever was Real Artists Ship, you can read it here if you’re so inclined. The basic premise is that most of us spend so much time on perfect, we don’t get good enough out the door… sound familiar? I know it rings true in my life.
This is not one of those cases. Which turns out…is a very, very good thing.
This book was intended to be a short, maybe 100 page, piece full of interviews with entrepreneurs I’ve met over the last 20 years. Deciphering what makes them tick, and what has made them relatively happy, all weaved into a story of my entrepreneurial journey, my massive failures, my triumphant successes, and some lessons learned along the way. Easy peasy….
…if you added mac and cheesy in your head… we will get along swimmingly.
What it has turned into is much, much more.
During these interviews, there has been laughter and tears and conversations that I let flow in whichever direction they were meant to for that day. It’s been an honor and a privilege to speak with these people, often in ways we never had before, despite decades of friendship.
A handful of people have been test readers… and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. It’s also led to changes I couldn’t have envisioned.
And for those reasons, the book has grown and evolved and deserves to be something that takes more time.
The old me would have shipped. The book will be good for business for “strangers” who come along… no doubt. But that’s not the goal anymore…
Rodric 2.0 has more of an inclination to let things evolve as they were meant to. It doesn’t mean the eye isn’t on the destination still… just that the map has changed. I’m ok with that. I hope you are as well.
So here is what I would like to do…
If you’re receiving this email, you’re on the free book list, never to be offered again. Once the book is released, I will personally send each of you a signed copy (a 50 cent value!!! …. for the signature…I kid, I kid) or the e-book, whichever you prefer.
In the meantime, I have uploaded the dedication, preface and first 2 chapters to a private link. If you are interested in the preview, just respond to this email “preview” and I will send it along.
There is a catch…
If you’re willing to dive in, I would like your feedback and maybe even to hop on a call if you’re game. I can explain more later, but you will be an integral part of it’s development.
Good? Great. Grand!
See you on the journey…
PS – If you read this far… thanks for being here. It means a lot.