
Not long ago I was in a one-on-one session with a hospital CEO in California. A recent hire-gone-wrong led to a discussion about authenticity and just being real—something we all seem to crave more of these days. That naturally led to conversations about social media, reels, Instagram and “lives,” and YouTube. 

Many of the most famous creators say that multiple takes aren’t needed. Just put it out there. Mistakes, gaffes, the errant cough or crying sessions in an unedited video tend to be the most popular.

Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels, hosted a webinar awhile back where he candidly shared that some of their best-performing ads are consistently off-the-cuff videos shot on mobile phones with zero prep work or production. 


In our curated, airbrushed, Photoshopped society, I think we all just want a little more real world. 

See you on the journey…


PS – Your Flip Flop Fam is waiting for you here.

PPS – My book, Million Dollar Flip Flops – Peace, Prosperity and the Courage to Change Course in Life and Business is available for pre-order here!

PPPS – Be on the lookout for my collab with Jason Marc Campbell by following my journey on Instagram.

A Certain Level of Connection 
Are You Seeing A Pattern Here?

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