Entrepreneurs Are Simply Built Different

Entrepreneurs are simply built differently than the rest of the population. And we talk about some of those qualities at length in these pages. 

Entrepreneurs are like explorers who set sail on uncharted waters to discover new lands and opportunities. Just as explorers need to be bold, adventurous, and willing to take risks, entrepreneurs need to be willing to venture into unknown territory, make calculated decisions, and innovate to succeed.

They also need to have a strong sense of direction, a clear vision, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions, much like how explorers navigate using the stars and the compass.

Unfortunately, however, it’s a false assumption that being an entrepreneur and becoming the captain of your own ship is an instant ticket to happiness. It’s not. I’m sorry.

Sadly, I’m here to burst your bubble, my friend. 

With your newfound freedom to direct your course as you choose comes myriad challenges or “mountains and monsters,” as I like to call them. You’ll face more in an average week than most corporate types will face in a year. There is nobody else to blame, ever, for the results of your life. 

Many can’t handle that level of accountability. I want to make sure not only that you’re more prepared to do so if and when those challenges arise but that it makes sense for you to be handling them in the first place.

I’ve built multiple businesses from the ground up to well over 7 figures. Product based. Service based. Online. Brick and mortar. Solo-preneur and with several employees.

I’ve navigated some rough seas in the last 25 years as an entrepreneur. During that time, however, I never wavered from who I wanted to become as an individual, and that’s what has made all the difference.

After all, like Ivan Illych on his deathbed in the famous Tolstoy novel, you don’t want to get to the end of your life, look up at your partner, and ask: “What if my whole life has been wrong?” 

Do you? 

These are the 8 scariest words I can think of.

Working with clients to discover their WHY, Core Values, and Personal Mission Statement, and more importantly, where those intersect with their business pursuits, is what I do every day.

It’s also the purpose of this blog…. so I’m glad you’re here.

See you on the journey…

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