As I write this, I am sitting in a hotel lobby in Hanoi, Vietnam. Taking a five-minute break from writing, I flip open the socials, and up pops a Facebook memory. Is there a better use for social media than reminding you of what you were doing on this day—one, five, or even ten years ago? This picture popped up along with an old article from my blog. The lesson is as apropos today as it was then.

Are you listening?
Facebook reminded me that six years ago today, I was in Egypt.
Five years ago on this day, I was in Belize.
Three years ago, Costa Rica.
Two years ago, Indonesia.
Give yourself permission to be surprised by life. Go where it leads you. Work on identifying and moving past the internal resistance that comes from years of conditioning about what’s “right” and “normal.”

In a world where we are taught to fit in while simultaneously being number one or better than, nobody knows what you need to do for your own happiness more than yourself. Not your business partner, your spouse, or your family. Only you.

You just have to listen.

See you on the journey…


PS – Your tribe is waiting for you. Click “Join” on my homepage.

PPS – Preorder my new book here.

PPPS – The July 10th Workshop is over but I may just be opening up one more workshop in August. Keep on the lookout for more details.

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