Due to the interactive nature of this program - only 100 spots are available.
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Create a Life and Business That You’re Excited to Wake Up for Each Morning.

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A step-by-step program designed to give you the actionable tools you need to change your life and build an aligned business that brings you success and true fulfillment.

What You’ll Find Inside:

A 6-Module Self-Paced Program

Inspiring & Informative Video Lessons

Downloadable Companion Worksheets

1 Month of Access to private Weekly WAVES Community Calls

Lifetime Updates
to the Program

You need a change.

You didn’t become an entrepreneur so you could hate getting up in the morning and work more hours than you did as an employee.

Yet, here you are. Maybe you’ve found the financial success you craved. Maybe you’ve gotten everything you thought you wanted…

…but you still feel unfulfilled, directionless, burnt-out, and you wonder if you’ve been doing it all “wrong.” You want to buy your time back.

Something needs to shift, you feel it in your gut, but you’re unsure of where to begin.

Here’s the good news…

Happiness and success aren’t mutually exclusive, my friend. You can have a thriving business and a ridiculously awesome life. I’ve lived it. My clients have lived it. You can too.

You just need the system to identify what changes are needed and the courage to take the first step. The WAVES Method will ensure every decision you make from this day forward is “right” for you.

Because if you aren’t living your life and running your business on purpose, no amount of financial wealth will ever be the answer.

You started this entrepreneurial adventure with passion and drive, but in all of your enthusiasm, you forgot to put a priority on how you wanted to live each day and the person you wanted to become in the process.

It’s not your fault. We aren't taught to live this way.

Yes, as an entrepreneur, you’re the captain of the ship. Every decision comes back to you.

But no one gave you the tools to know if the next decision in your life or business was "right" or "purposeful".

You’ve been flying blind.

You and I are here to fix that. Together, we will create a roadmap to your destination and determine Exactly wHICH direction you want to be heading and most importantly...why

Equipped with the powerful WAVES method ™ as your personal North Star, you’ll have everything you need to cultivate the courage to both identify your way forward and correct your path when your ship is veering off course.

This system will change the way you make decisions in your business and life forever.

It will change the way you look at the world...at possibility.

I know... I've lived it. My clients live it.

I'm Rodric Lenhart

If you're reading this, it's not by accident. I don't believe in coincidence.

In my proven WAVES Method Program, I share insights from more than 2 decades in the trenches. During these years, I built multiple multi-million-dollar businesses—while at the same time leading a life worth living.

But I made mistakes.

A lifelong entrepreneur, at 25, I was making more in a month than my parents had made in a year. I could buy and do anything I wanted. Yet... I was anxious, suffered from depression and worse and awoke every morning with a sinking feeling of "is this all there is?" Knowing there had to be more to life than where I had found myself...I began to dig myself out of that hole.

It was during this time I developed systems and strategies that allowed me to live a life I couldn't have imagined.

This simple process has been the filter through which I have run every decision in my life, business or otherwise, and the results have been extraordinary.

Using this proven method, together, we will build a roadmap that will develop priceless tools you can use for a lifetime.

Our goal is to align who you are and who you want to be.

designing a life that, right now, you can only imagine.


waves Method program

The powerful framework you need to align who you are with who you want to be, enabling you to build a thriving business and an unbelievable life.

Through this 6-module, self-paced program, you will finally find the confidence, direction, and tools you need to create the life and business you deserve.

As you take back the power in your journey, you will know how to make the changes necessary to design a successful business—and a life worth living — every single day.
I’m giving you everything you need to make it happen. All you have to do is follow the proven steps in the WAVES Method that are carefully laid out for you in each module of this program.

On the other side of our time together, you will emerge with tools you can leverage for a lifetime. The systems needed to make those inevitable tough decisions with confidence and ease—allowing you to change direction when necessary and create a life and business you genuinely love.

Why the WAVES Method

Inside each of us is everything necessary to make powerful changes in our lives—all we need is the formula that puts it all to work on our behalf. In this program, you’ll learn my proven framework to do just that.

Here are the five parts of the WAVES Method:


What is it, really, that drives you at the deepest level?​


Being brutally honest with yourself about what you want from life, who you are, and who you want to become.


The individual components that make up our very being. Discover things about yourself that may have been locked away.


Your WHY and Core Values will change as you live with them over time, and that's not only OK, it's the only way to truly get the results you desire.


Statement of Purpose (SOP): Building upon your WHY and VALUES, this is a distilled and finessed phrase that encompasses your very being. ​

Is this program for YOU?

You are in the right place if you…

This program is not for you if you are…

My educated guess is that you fall squarely into the "for you" category.

It's not that I can see the future, but if you’ve made it this far,
you’ve found your tribe.

Now is Your Time.

You have found yourself somewhere you didn't plan on being.

You deserve the true happiness you desire from your life and business. You deserve to be aligned with the person you were meant to be. Also, you’re capable of making these necessary changes. Anyone this far into a page like this is here to hunt - not just to eat.

Most people have never taken the time to do this powerful work. You're not them.

You're willing to put in the work, the real work, to give yourself an edge when it comes to making the right choices. You’re ready to take control of your journey and build a life you can’t wait to get out of bed for each morning.

You just have to take that first step and get the necessary tools to make it all happen. The tools inside this program.

And there’s no better time than now. Change will never be easy. But six months from now, do you want to be where you are today? Or do you want to be that much closer to having a thriving business AND a fulfilling life?

You know which one to choose.


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Join the WAVES Method program today.

If you’re ready to change your life and build an aligned business that not only brings you success but true fulfillment, this is the program for you.

Click the enroll now button and take the first step toward your new life today.

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waves method program





Due to the interactive nature of this program - only 100 spots are available.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the WAVES Method Program?

The WAVES Method program is a 6-module, self-paced digital learning opportunity designed to help you make the necessary changes to have an aligned life and business that you’re actually excited to wake up to each morning. It gives you the tools needed to make purposeful changes now and in the future.

Inside, you will find:

Because the WAVES Method program is self-paced, you can begin at any time! You don’t have to wait to start creating the life you were meant to live. (Due to the nature of the program and live weekly engagement - space is limited - and the course re-opens on a rolling basis. If you're reading this page, the course is available).

If you currently feel trapped in your life or business and want the confidence and tools necessary to make changes, this is the place for you! We will give you all of the resources you need to create a life and business that fulfills you because it’s actually aligned with YOU. It’s up to you to take what you learn, do the vulnerable work, and make it happen. The good news is - you have found your tribe. A community that understands both where you are, and where you want to go.

If you’re looking for a quick or easy fix, this isn’t the place to find it. What you will discover in the WAVES Method program can change your life and help you build an aligned business that not only brings you success but true fulfillment. It truly will change the way you look at your life, business and every decision you make from this day forward. It won’t happen overnight, but this program will equip you with what you need to continually create the life you desire on purpose - and the community to help you get there.

WAVES method program:


We are confident that the content, resources, and community calls inside this program will change your life and business. In fact, we’re so confident that your investment in this program is backed by our Happiness Guarantee.

A key component of the WAVES Method Program is our private Weekly WAVES Community Calls. For these calls to serve our community members at the highest level, we cap the number of participants in our program at 100 members. When you join the WAVES Method, we want your experience to be outstanding as we support you in making necessary changes in your life. Limiting our enrollment helps us do this.

Ready to make a change? You deserve to have a purposeful life and a thriving business.

Don’t waste another moment being unhappy or unfilled. Get the tools you need to create an aligned business and life now.

Due to the interactive nature of this program - only 100 spots are available.

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