idea you had in The Believer Phase is
picking up steam -
people actually do want your 'thing'.
But this is harder than you imagined.
You're moving from
Uninformed Optimism as The Believer - to
Informed Pessimism
as The Showman. You have the house, the SUV, the toys, and people are starting to notice your success.
But they don't know how many hats you wear, how business is your life
twenty-four hours a day
You're bringing the
Boardroom to the Bedroom.
could take a vacation since you make your own schedule,
but there is so much to do. The influencers in front of their exotic cars on Instagram
left several pieces of this "success" equation out - and you're starting to learn that.
You're heading for the
"valley of despair" we all go through as entrepreneurs - perhaps questioning why you started all of this in the first place.
What do you do?
Remember that of the five phases - we need the first two, we want the last two, but sadly many of us get stuck in number three and repeat the cycle…forever.
Suggested Core focus of the showman
The Core Four
Recommended reading
You need to prepare yourself for the inevitable “dip” ahead, what you need to learn, and who you need to surround yourself with in order to persevere.
If you think that more will solve your current problems. More money, more growth, more team members - you may be in for a rude awakening.
Having a firm grasp on why you started this business in the first place, who you want to serve…and why… will help steel your resolve as you move into the next phase of your journey.
Building runway…financially or otherwise… may be more critical at this phase than showing off your early success. It will give you the ability to pivot as necessary when you discover that certain things or people are no longer serving you.
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