If there is anything that all entrepreneurs have in common, it is that they aren’t afraid to take responsibility for their actions, lives, and business. There is nobody to blame for your failures or success. Not Angela in accounting or that snarky sales rep Brian. It all falls on you.
If your business isn’t working, it’s your fault. If your business isn’t serving you, it’s your fault. If you don’t wake up every day excited to go to “work,” it’s your fault.
That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can have a conversation right now with the boss about changing it all for the better without getting out of your jammies. The power of being an entrepreneur!
Your WHY is very, very personal.
As an entrepreneur, you will often be your only cheerleader, so it doesn’t matter what mom or dad or your spouse or a professor or drinking buddy or anyone else on the face of this planet wants. It only matters what YOU want, from both your life and your business.
Developing your WHY, examining your Core Values, and building your Statement is a deeply reflective process. It only works if you’re honest with yourself. And that’s where many of us go astray…
Do you have a Statement of Purpose? If not, why? If so, would you like to share it with me?
Send me an email with your SOP and I’ll send you a “tribe only” freebie in addition to a hug and a high five. Sound good?
PS – Your tribe is waiting for you. Click “Join” on my homepage.
PPS – Preorder my new book here.
PPPS – The July 10th Workshop is over but I may just be opening up one more workshop in August. Keep on the lookout for more details.