If you want to unwind your mind when it comes to building a business and life that will allow your soul to thrive, you have to think like a kid while using adult tools. Authenticity plus vision is a potent combination. 

It’s possible. It works. I’ve lived it. 

Remember, you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. We are reimagining the way we think here. We want to put your Core Values at the forefront of your mind as you go out into the world and live your life. 

For reasons we won’t go into in these pages, this is simply not the way were taught to think. And to our own detriment. We are powerful machines, able to make decisions and calculations faster than any supercomputer. When we train our minds on a problem, it will figure out the answer. We just need to rewrite our operating system in order to have that answer be one that serves us. Really serves us. 

When we desire any change in our lives, it’s imperative that we immediately go to work on its implementation. Nobody goes to the gym one time, and boom, you’ve got the body of your dreams – for life! It takes time. It takes persistence. 

When I was younger, I taught myself to play piano. I could read music and play by ear, even writing my own songs from time to time as I progressed. In 8th grade, I was invited to play in front of our school at our graduation assembly – bonus points if you can ever guess what song I played! 

At any rate, it was after that performance that my parents offered to buy a piano for our house. It was on super sale due to its unusual design – a spinet if you care to investigate –  so we could afford it. It was also badly out of tune. 

The week after delivery, a nice gentleman came to professionally tune our new addition. I was beside myself with excitement. He spent several hours making sure each string was perfectly balanced and when he was finished it’s tone was breathtaking. As he was leaving, he said, “See you next week!”. Huh? What did I miss here? It sounded great!

You see, when a badly out-of-tune piano is made right again, its strings are stretched and stretched and stretched. Naturally, they will begin to return to their old shape, where they had been for so many years before – the basic laws of our physical world. So when the tuner made this initial change, he knew he would have to return for three weeks in a row and then once a month until finally, the strings held their new form. 

The work you are doing here isn’t a one-and-done proposition. You’re stretching. For this to become second nature to you, for you to play your best music, for you to hold this new form – it will require considerable upkeep. 

See you on the journey…

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