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Hi [NAME],
In Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich, the main character, Ivan, on his deathbed, looks up at his wife and says, “What if my whole life has been wrong?”
It’s a frightening question, but one we must ask frequently to avoid having the wrong answer creep up on us before it’s too late.
How many of us, however, possess a personal guide, a constant point of reference? An individual North Star to lead us through every difficult decision, whether personal or business-related?
How many of us are equipped with a customized tool, tailor-made for our needs, that enables us to
make massive changes with ease, self-assurance, composure, and poise?
Who doesn’t desire to reduce anxiety, improve our relationships, and live more balanced, adventurous, and purposeful lives? Questions that hardly require an answer.
It seems simple to begin each journey knowing exactly where we want to end up, yet we rarely do.
And then, when we’re inevitably faced with a difficult decision somewhere along that journey, we freeze up, doubt ourselves, jot down a pros and cons list – and hope for the best.
It doesn’t have to be that way…
That’s exactly why my good friend Rodric Lenhart wrote his new book, Million Dollar Flip Flops: Peace, Prosperity, and the Courage to Change Course in Life and Business.
==> Inside each of us are the tools necessary to make powerful changes in our lives – all we need is the formula that puts them to work on our behalf.
In Million Dollar Flip Flops, Rodric shares with his readers The WAVES MethodTM, a powerful framework that will help you take control and develop a personal North Star to guide all your decision-making with confidence and ease.
Equipped with The WAVES MethodTM and the many other transformative tools inside the pages of Million Dollar Flip Flops, you’ll have everything you need to correct your path when you’re veering off course and steer yourself toward a thriving business and a fulfilled life.
==> If you resonate with feeling trapped in your own business, struggling with major life and business moves, and just want to know that your next decision is “right”, Million Dollar Flip Flops is meant for you.
Are you one of the few who do versus the many who talk?
Just click here to order your copy – you’re one step away…
I’ll see you on the journey. 🙂
Subject Line Ideas
Can We Ever Experience True Fulfillment?
Your Statement of Purpose
You Will Never See Your World The Same Again
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Hi [NAME],
Do you ever ponder if how we have been taught to spend our days could ever bring true fulfillment?
Have you ever taken real time to examine what exactly it is you do every day and in which direction those habitual activities are leading you?
We all have the answer deep inside, but it’s locked away. We just require the tools to fashion the key that will open the door to what we really want from this life.
Do you have a Statement of Purpose? Do you know why every company has a mission statement?
Do you have a values list you turn to—in ranked order—when facing major life decisions?
This is just the very beginning of the journey my good friend Rodric Lenhart takes us on in his new book Million Dollar Flips Flops – Peace, Prosperity and the Courage to Change Course in Life and Business.
Your Statement of Purpose (SOP) and Values List are used to make sure what you are doing is aligned with who you want to be in the world. It defines how you want to show up for your partner, your friends, your family, your business, and most importantly, yourself. These tools, when refined, build in us the courage to make massive shifts when needed with patience, confidence, and grace.
This work doesn’t guarantee—but is guaranteed to assist in—assuring that when you are in the final moments of your life, you don’t look at those surrounding you and say, “What if my whole life has been wrong?” You’ll arrive at the end knowing, deep down, that you lived your life on purpose.
Are you ready to begin this journey? Warning: Once you begin, you will never see your world the same away again.
Click here to order your copy of Million Dollar Flip Flops today!
To the adventures ahead,